A Hilariously Entertaining Podcast For Truckers
Meet Your Hosts

Cam Pechia
Cameron Pechia is the founder of Valley Trucking Insurance and also the co-founder of Get A Load Of This. Cameron is a proud dad of two beautiful daughters and a amazing wife Ashlee. He has over 15 years of experience in the trucking insurance industry and grew up in a trucking family. Cameron had a vision to bring the trucking industry a resource that can help any company and any stage of their journey, find value, tips, tools, and other like minded companies that help America Move. He brings a vast network of great American Companies that truly support the greatest industry on earth. This podcast allows him to share his experience, knowledge and resources with the trucking community. Trucking and the transportation industry is where his motivation to get better stems from.

Ryan Young
Ryan Young is an insurance agent, world traveler, aspiring serial-entrepreneur and of course — podcast host. Ryan ditched the idea of entering the post-collegiate rat race to get into a field that allowed him to trail a path of his own. With a knack for the fine details and a passion to help people, he’s obsessed with gathering knowledge to offer the trucking community more than they came for. Ryan’s goal and promise is to work tirelessly and ask the right questions to keep you informed and provide your pursuits with the extra advantage you need, and hopefully with a little humor on the side.

Thomas Comstock
I’ve been a part of the trucking industry as an insurance agent for a few years now. As an agent, and being a part of the Valley Trucking Insurance team, I have seen firsthand the lack of accessible information for my clients. This lack of information greatly inhibits their ability to effectively grow their business and I believe this podcast can help change that. Not only for my clients but for all professionals listening out there.
Being a team player all my life, whether it was on the field or acting as an air traffic controller for the United States Air Force, team work taught me one thing; education is key. It provides the where, the how, and the why we need to do what we need to do in order to win.
My passion for helping others has brought me here to this podcast and I hope that my team and I are able to provide all of our listeners with the education they need to achieve their goals. All of us here at Get A Load of This want one thing; to see you win.
Thank you for listening.